Yay! An entry for my beloved University :))

Today marks the 100th Year when the first group of Lasallian Brothers arrived in the shores of the Philippines to teach Filipinos. Of course 100 years later, the university has already founded other schools across the country now named in a group as De La Salle Philippines. I was very honored to have been able to study in the university and finish my undergraduate degree. As some of you might have read, my Kumo  Times is dedicated to my stay and life in the university and although it isnt finish at the moment, you can see how much I have fallen in love with the university.

Yes it may be so that the celebration is going to happen in the next 97 days… not sure when is that since I fail in Math so much but today marks the 100th. Not much to say but heck! Lets all be happy and may La Salle have 100 more years to come. Its gonna be even better than ever! I do hope they do something about having a field near school, since they are making a new building… no more soccer field!

Animo La Salle!!!

About Mei

writer by trade, writer by passion
likes her earl grey with sugar
currently writing her manuscript

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