Hi everyone! It is I and although this place is already 70% open, I am still not satisfied.

I have not made the official arrangement yet in Kumori as I am still working on the gallery back up but I just might finish the whole back up by tomorrow. Hihihi! I really just need to double check if I lost any of the photos or so and i dont have copies or so. But it wont be long… tomorrow would be a good time to do it… but tomorrow is my niece’s birthday :)) It will wait in the afternoon!

I might open this next Wednesday long with the opening of my pet project. I still lack a couple of pages here and there and I need to make my assessment. But its not that hard… what is hard are the mini-details I need to write. Lol, plus I need to start reviewing too.

For now, hope you guys wait for the official opening :)

By the way, most of the pages from Kumori are already here so you just need to recheck it out from there.

About Mei

writer by trade, writer by passion
likes her earl grey with sugar
currently writing her manuscript


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