Hi everyone! Ok, lets get to business…hahaha XD

For all those who saw my prayer post and prayed without a comment, thank you all. My cousin passed away just last tuesday with my relatives in the US… unfortunately we did not get to see him before that since we are in the Philippines but we always pray for him. I will miss my cousin dearly since he makes me look like the American if we are together and he is really sweet. But I know he’s happy and resting… and partly enjoying himself in being able to watch over us without us feeling it unless he wants to. He’s a happy go lucky one and we will surely miss his company.

Anyway, I will not be able to do much here… maybe pass by here and there because I have work… yes I have a paying work now and I will be waiting for Dawn of Edo, one of the benchmark projects of Meikkyou this year. I was hooked into agreeing for the project because I know most of the people who are coming… Hahaha, despicable… but I have seen my wig… XD it would be quite amusing. I also gotten fitted already for my kimonos which would be so cool! Apparently I might just get another costume made there soon but at the moment, i need to balance my money and myself for other expenses and all that other crap. Hahaha. But yes, I will be working on it temporarily and also do some edits here and there since I like doing that.

Other news? Well, I will also be completing some of the major pages here. I will also give some time to my other accounts since I really left them completely unupdated for the past couple of months… hahaha, I have to do something about it or else… Hahahaha! But yeah, I will give some time once I get all my businesses up done :)

What else… ah, yes, I will officially change layouts this coming September… but lamenting on officially getting a domain. At the moment it is still a plan but I might eventually. I will keep you guys up-to-date about it.

For now, cheerios and I shall play with my dear Seiun!!!

About Mei

writer by trade, writer by passion
likes her earl grey with sugar
currently writing her manuscript

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