YAY! Hi everyone! It is yet again another slow month for me… its not really that slow but the hell with my work. Haahahaha!

Anyway, a couple of hours ago… despite all the rushes and all the slopes, the Meikkyou team and myself have finally worked on Dawn of Edo; another one of Daisuke’s crazy experiments. Honestly, wearing a kimono and a haori was wicked and walking around a fine dining restau with white and black hair was a little weird. And the staff had to take our photos. Hahaha, I am really amused with it but I guess its what models and cosplayers do.

Photos are still not allowed for posting but Yuki has some already posted. Hahaha! I am actually quite tired now that the shoot is done and man! I feel also beatup! Hahaha! Hopefully once all the pre-production stuff is done, photos would be released soon.

Right now, I will be slowly updating my webpages… but work needs to come first since it is a paying one. Hahaha, cant say no to my next paycheck! Hahaha! Once I get accepted to the double pay, I will love it! Hahaha!

Layout changes will happen on the 1st of September, all errors will be fixed so I do hope you guys dont mind finding the errors XD

About Mei

writer by trade, writer by passion
likes her earl grey with sugar
currently writing her manuscript

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