Hi everyone… this is not the usual update post but some stuff so read below.

I like to ask for everyone’s prayers and support in one of my family’s crucial times. My cousin Mitchell has been brought to the hospital around Wednesday night in the US due to a stroke. He’s been sedated and in a coma for a while now and as far as things are looking, we could only hope for a miracle.

I have been feeling a little off for the whole day but I am trying my best. Its’ frustrating I cant go there and see him but I guess I’ll also feel gloomy and so on. I heard the possible diagnostics thanks to my older bro but I am still hoping like everyone that we have a miracle.

Please do help us pray for him. He’s one of the greatest cousins one can ask for, although I only meet him a couple of times when they visit the country, I still like him so much.

Thanks everyone

About Mei

writer by trade, writer by passion
likes her earl grey with sugar
currently writing her manuscript

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