Hi everyone! Sorry for all the absences and delays. Hahaha! Been busy with life! Hahaha!

Today is my 21st birthday… YAY MEI! But, the ironic thing once again is I am having another typhoon influenced birthday. Sigh sigh! This time, it is Typhoon Nesat. Two years ago, it was Typhoon Ketsana…. sigh. I felt the island birthday again… hahaha! Well, it is actually not as bad as Ketsana but the rain is continuously pouring like hell and the wind is just strong! My niece is quite silent at this ordeal but I know she’s not worried as much because we kept playing with her.

Updates? When I no longer see rain in my system! Hahaha! Short I know but I do hope I get some time to write… hihih. For now, see you!!!!

About Mei

writer by trade, writer by passion
likes her earl grey with sugar
currently writing her manuscript

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