Hi everyone! Its September and hell it means its almost my birthday! Yay! So what better way to start updating with a cool cool layout! Hahaha!

Its actually an old layout I have gotten in flamboyant designs. I was supposed to use it on some other site but considering my previous layout, I just had to use this very simple one. I dunno why I cant get the layout background to be different. I tried checking the edits done by Iko-chan for me but I can’t see the problem… sigh, problem. But it looks good anyway.

Since Dawn of Edo is quite over… well, I believe there would be part 2 soon because I had Yuu-chan do some wig styling for me and I must go back to that restaurant; I guess the updates are needed. But at the moment… Mei has work! Hahaha! I left my other job indefinitely because it was really annoying at times. Right now, I am doing a nursing dissertation which is something surprising but I already skipped the Masters part of all those things. Hahaha! My blogs are even left out too… but I shall be trying my very best to do some updating. Hahaha! That I swear! Once I am done with the dissertation needs XD

Incoming updates… lets see…

  • Dawn of Edo Review and Photos – Yay for the photos!
  • Some new contents for the parts
  • New projects?
  • Some more travel entries and reviews
Will think of more… Hahaha, right now haha, enjoy the contents and so on!!!

About Mei

writer by trade, writer by passion
likes her earl grey with sugar
currently writing her manuscript

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