Hi everyone and let me be the first to greet you Irasshai to my not so new but definitely differently named homepage!

First of all I like to thank Misaki for this oddly 21st birthday present slash prize on her recent contest in the forum. It was a simple contest though and since we hostees were given a couple of weeks to prepare for it… I ended up scoring one! Yay! I decided to avail of my prize after thinking it over and over.  So now, for a year or more, I will be happy to say that my new site is called Akizora.

I don’t like to sound redundant on why I selected the name Autumn Sky as opposed to staying in Cloudless Love. I guess I just timed it. My birthday was yet again ruined by a powerful typhoon and came along another one but nevertheless, I love my birth month as it signals the start of the x-mas spirit. I seriously feel though that time is passing by so fast… hahaha, to think I am already a working person for almost 5 months now… haha, weird.

Anyway, I am still twisted with work. Since it is the X-mas holidays, I pretty much would like to try and earn more money but so far, luck is not in my side as there isnt a cool assignment I can make an easy score on. Hahaha. Hopefully I will be able to fulfill some of my fantasies now that I got a job. Its fulfilling and a learning experience but then again… it is a pain when you got clients that asks for almost anything.

Oh, a little ode of thanks to Steve Jobs who gave us Apple and Pixar. May you rest in peace and thanks for bringing to us interactivity

About Mei

writer by trade, writer by passion
likes her earl grey with sugar
currently writing her manuscript

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