Hi everyone!

Man its been a while since I managed to last log in here. Well I could actually visit this place through the use of ninjacloak but with the idea of updating it through it.. it was just not possible for some reason. Actually It has been happening to me a lot of times in the past for some weird reason. Anyway, its fixed now! Hahahaha!

So to business… Well, at the moment I am waiting for Misaki to send me the details of my CPanel. Since I got the domain and got my other e-mail locked, I cant remember my exact log-in details. Hahahaha! It sucks I know, but I have to live with it. Plus I have not even touched it since I gotten WP installed to this account since it was still Serein. I plan to make a small photo blog of the simple snapshots I take whenever I am out or bored. Kinda restricted with all the fuzz here in this account ^^ But layout wise… ahaha, I am changing to something totally me!

Content, I am reviewing it. I have tons of pages here which should be updated, removed or revised all together. I need to give some love to this place soon or else I will lose some viewers! Hahahaha!

You can suggest what you want to see here. Just comment me up and I will study about it!

Will send a holler back soon!

About Mei

writer by trade, writer by passion
likes her earl grey with sugar
currently writing her manuscript

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