Hi everyone!!

Well I will be updating in a few hours but for some weird reason, well, since I last updated, I couldnt access my official webpage. Le contrary, the Kouryou is my “formal” webpage so if you find it unreachable for some reason, it’s currently down. I am still trying to get my webmistress Shuu-chan to fix it up. It was working when I last updated it. Sigh. For now, most of my updates will be here till I get that place fixed.

Meanwhile, the first few weeks of 2012 is quite… boring since I still have no stable workload. Sadly the luxury of working as a freelancer does have its flaws in seasons. Hahaha, I have indeed thought of getting a full-time one but at this moment, not really, I’m enjoying my practice. There are some downsides to it but heck, I do love the fact I still get to save some bucks and enjoy life in the province. But I do miss Manila so I do make it a point to go to Manila monthly to see my friends and go wild for a change. Hahaha. Sadly since its January, time to work like a bee again!

Updates, will do that once I feel like it. I dunno why this weather is making me strange, hahaha, it just makes you want to keep wishing to go to bed and sleep. Mum often complains about it but cant help it. Hahaha. Still waiting for my dA package… hopefully customs sent to my hometown. God knows I want to see it! Im sooo broke this month X_X I hate you holiday work-break!

About Mei

writer by trade, writer by passion
likes her earl grey with sugar
currently writing her manuscript

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