Hi everyone,

I thought of joining in campaign against the SOPA and the PIPA Acts which are still looming in the US debate stream. Personally, as an internet user, the acts alone do not make any sense. For one reason, most of the major english webpages such as dA are all published in the US so if SOPA and PIPA get approved, whats the point of sharing photos of the US laws would say sharing deviations and opinions are wrong? In a nutshell, it looks like a way for the US government to restrict piracy but the big question is… how exactly will you classify as a pirated act, or a censor worthy act or product? There are tons of webpages around the globe and how on earth will the US government watch over each address and block them? It does not make any sense. Plus it will be losing companies a lot of money because they cater not only for the US users but also the users around the globe. Having their addresses blocked would just make things far worst than ever before.

Privacy and freedom of speech would gradually be crushed with the SOPA and the PIPA. One can no longer be safe to say what he want or share what he want in fear of being blocked to the whole world. What if one needs to access the internet to do assignments? Talk to friends? STOP THIS ANNOYINGLY NONSENSE LAWS!

As a Filipino, these laws will affect me as any other internet user. It’s like being watched as a suspected criminal. That shouldnt be the way the internet works.

This is copied from my dA account. Kinda find it nice to just do it. But it is my point

About Mei

writer by trade, writer by passion
likes her earl grey with sugar
currently writing her manuscript

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