Hi everyone!

Ok, I have been busy for the past couple of days to even do some work… Seriously, when its 2012, everything of the nice things to look forward to piles up. Hahaha, it is just a screwed up life. Hahaha! But I cannot complain. This is mi life so I have to properly work for it!

Today is almost the end of Valentines Day and as always for the past couple of years, I went out with my family. I dont really have the chance to find the one yet. Hahaha, its ironic because some people meet because of me and then they fall in love. Weird enough that it doesnt happen to me yet. If you ask me I do have expectations for my dream guy. Hahaha, before in high school, I was always teased to the school hunk or so. I also got teased to some friends of mine but I dont really give much thought about it. College… haha, cant say much but I have gotten a good fondness for people who can speak in another language. Knowing some other languages aside from my native tongue and English, knowing a good other language is good. Hahaha! Right now I guess I can be thankful for small blessings. Time to earn and save!

I just wish I find him one of these days. Hahah XD

Updates in the next few days!!! Hopefully!!! Happy Valentines Day!!!!

About Mei

writer by trade, writer by passion
likes her earl grey with sugar
currently writing her manuscript

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