Hi everyone!

Yay!!! After enough hiatus and so much thinking, I have finally released myself out of misery and worked on this place! Now, here is the 411 about this site. I have decided to turn this place into my official main blog. True I still have my old one but right now, I could not juggle one to the other and Akizora has been in the hiatus stage for far too long so I guess its time for me to use it in a good use. Making this a blog is way better than making it a mirror of Kouryou, which will be my formal site.

Well it is summer again in the Philippines and heck, the heat can be equated to a heatwave considering its been hot for weeks. So much for being a tropical country in the Pacific Ring of Fire… sigh sigh sigh! It is too hot! Ironically, work does not end even if its hot. Considering Im staying at home most of the time, the heat is just unbearable. The only thing that is bareable is my niece’s bubbly presence and the internet! But the internet becomes a very tempting thing.. sigh. I have so many pending work to do!!! ARGH!!! I even bought myself ice cream to cool off… gahh work!

On the other hand, I will be going back again to Bohol with my brothers, in-law, niece and aunt this coming Sunday. I have been to Bohol last year with my mum and my cousin from my dad’s side so its pretty much a lie low to visit the place. I would only be looking forward to the Loboc trip since I have not stepped on the church and on the infamous river. Im looking forward to try out my semi-new toy named Shura. I have not told my parents about it so it would be a surprise when I use it. Ah well, at least afterward, I’ll be meeting some friends of mine from Unison Raid and celebrate Kei’s graduation. Hahaha, too bad I would not be cosplaying for this shoot. Sadly I cannot risk bringing a wig on my trip. Hahaha.

Speaking of wigs, bought the two I have been gunning for… Next purchase would be more of my personal stuff. I just had to purchase the wigs because it is quite rare to catch them. I also bought the shawl cape from Hongkong. I love Punk Rave, if only I could reduce my weight like hell… haha, time to divulge on that laser treatment thing.

For now, I will go back to work since I have to finish five X_X yare yareeee

About Mei

writer by trade, writer by passion
likes her earl grey with sugar
currently writing her manuscript

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