Hi everyone! Been busy for the past few days :D my sister, niece, in-law x2 (since they are getting married again, this time on the church), and my grandma are back in the country for the special wedding. This week has been one of the most longest and tiring ones. But I guess its because my body is not used to it. I bet by the time they leave, Im already crying in relief and getting one day filled with sleep. Hahaha, but I dunno. I would need to work super hard for June since by July, I promised my mum we’re going to Singapore. Id fix that out soon.

Anyway, today, I went out with my brother, niece and sister to Manila to watch my niece, help my sister out with directions, and help out in wedding preps. It was an early wakeup call but heck, my body is not used to it. Hahaha! My little niece and my sister-in-law went with us first since they would be going to their little space in Manila and see my brother as they would be going home with them. We had a driver too so it was cool. The trip was quite amusing since my niece kept asking to play the quiet game which was amusing. I also had a bad experience again with the US Dentyne gum since it went immediately on my nose. Hahaha.

First stop we went to was Veluz. Sadly we had to take a detour since the shortcut was under construction. Then we also turned into the other street before we got to know that we went the wrong way. I didnt get to see my sister’s gown but like many others, I want it a surprise. I kinda thought of my own dream wedding but that would happen eventually.

Veluz is an expert of her craft, from gowns to accessories!
A photo I took from one of the books in the area. The man being chased in the photo is my sister's selected videographer Jason Magbanua, the photo was taken by my friend photographer Toto Villaruel

We finished the fitting session by 130 so we drove immediately to MoA while still playing the quiet game and just talked. I was pretty much joked on since I kept using Google’s GPS system. Hahaha, I just didnt want to get lost. Hahah. But it was pretty much my route so I was amused.

In MoA, we ate at Pepper Lunch, which my sister commented was a bit odd but my niece liked it. Ordered Beef Yakiniku and unlike my first taste of the whole thing, it was pretty spicy this time around. I was even asked about my friend whom I have not spoken to directly since I left the uni. We’re on cordial terms but I have yet to even talk to him. Maybe if I did, I’ll speak to him in Spanish since he was the one who made me practice it in the first place. Note to self: review languages when I have the time.

Anyone up for beef yakiniku?

Since my niece kept asking me to go to the arcade, we went to Timezone and played a whole lot of games. Driving games, prize games (got annoyed with the big crane game since my niece wanted the big minnie mouse plush), even some deal or no deal. I was reminiscent with Dance Maniax which I have yet to play again. Hahaha, but eventually I got addicted to the coin tossing game which pretty much got me some tickets. Right now I have 500+ ticks. Still far from target. I wanted to avail the platinum card already but since I never play regularly, I cant avail them.

Anywho, after my brother-in-law arrived, we walked towards SMX Convention Center to get my niece’s measurements sent to my sister-in-law’s cousin, who was the one to design the gowns for me and the other entourage. We ended up walking through the department store so my niece saw some notebooks. In SMX, we met Celline Salapantan and pretty much got in the SuperSale Bazaar for Fashion Week with complimentary access. My niece gotten her measurements early and we ended up walking around. I ended up sneaking a dress to buy, bought a bangle set for my mum (which ended up pretty small to wear) , and two shirts for my little niece. I would wear the dress one time when no one is watching or I’ll do a photoops XD

Celline's booth in the Supersale Bazaar

After that, bought some school stuff for my niece which was quite odd since my niece would not use it in the US for school. Nevertheless, we did notice she likes drawing things. Then we had some snowcones in Marutani’s which was near Fully Booked. It was good, but not as good as Hana’s (miss those badly)

My sister's pink lychee shaved ice

It was a tiring dayout… but I guess id have another busy day in a few hours when I see my cousin and her daughter in one of the nearest resorts here. Here’s a small photo for you guys!

Bye for now!!!

About Mei

writer by trade, writer by passion
likes her earl grey with sugar
currently writing her manuscript

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