Hi everyone! Well this thing is seeing a lot of updating lately! Hahaha! Yes I have to update Kouryou in the next few hours but of course this thing is my blog so I might as well utilize it!

For the past few days, work has been quite demanding but then again work does teach me wonders so I am quite happy I know a lot of things now. If I could have entered a US school and take history, I would have aced it. I guess its just proves that you learn as you work and go on. Thank god I’m not bored with studying. I am bored though if its math. hahaha

Just a few hours ago, I saw my friend and doting partner-in-crime Jayne’s recent tweet about a free online course program from some of the top universities in the US. The site name is called Coursia released by four universities; Stanford, Princeton, UPenn and UMichigan. I kinda saw the course offering and I must say I was impressed. I am enrolled into five courses and pretty much hard stuff too! I miss Uni life if you asked me quite frankly but with financial issues driving me down, this courses would be fine for now. My drive to travel is also at its peak! i blame that guy for going to Europe! Grrrhh! Anyway I will get to there eventually. I need the stamps anyway since I need to reapply for a non-immigrant visa by december. We shall see how it goes. For now school I am back indef!

About Mei

writer by trade, writer by passion
likes her earl grey with sugar
currently writing her manuscript


  1. First of all, before I forget, can I ask what the Japanese above the comment form means? The 話せるように言葉がない. I know all the individual parts, but I’m having trouble getting meaning from it. My best guess is “I can speak like their are no words”, which doesn’t really make sense to me, so… Help? xD

    What kind of work do you do? I learn things at my job (web development) all the time, too, which I love. I just wish I was learning even more! I learn as much as I can on my own time, anyway.

    Oh hey, my uni is on that list! Which courses are you taking?

    1. Ahh!!! Sorry for the delayed comment :)) I have been so busy lately to check out my website.

      That part means there’s no comments :) so technically there arent words I could talk about so that pertains to comments :D

      At this point, I am a freelance academic writer (the one who writes thesis papers, assignments for other people) and at the same time, a writer for a Singaporean Anime/Manga/Cosplay/Game store. Its a good job, pays a lot and you quite learn a lot. And if there’s anything I find amusing, that’s continuously learning.

      My coursera classes I believe are mythology, health care act, history since 1300, stat 101, digital democracy, internet history and so on. I decided concentrating more on history, legality and some maths since my original course, European Studies, deals with the legal things. Plus I do prefer it over the application types

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