Hi everyone! After one and a half months! I could finally update this blog and Kouryou (which I have sorely neglected) with some of my longest entries! Its been three days since my sister’s family and my grandma left the country and well, the house is slowly returning back to its serene and quiet phase, minus of course when my little niece is awake. While we are sad and all, its not all goodbyes and sighs. Actually it made Skype even more appealing.

Anyway, since this is my blog, I could probably do a backlog of all the highlights of the one and a half month trip. My facebook has been tagged ever so often but I never actually released the whole photo list. Checking them out completely for the past few days was extraordinary as we accumulated almost 1,000 shots! While I am never the super clicking person while my relatives are here, it is still weird to see the 1,000 mark reached. Hahaha. To save everyone the sanity of seeing the 1,000 shots, I will be selecting the photos from both my phone and camera XD

Right now I am uploading most of these photos on various file sharing sites for my family to see. It was a super cool reunion to some of us but it would be cool if everyone was with us. I also kinda miss my cousin who passed away last year. Me and my young cousin are currently exchanging Tagalog lessons and I could not help but remember my late cousin as he is one of the most brilliant Tagalog speakers I know even though he lived in the US. We all miss him loads. Love you cuz!

Work wise… its been slow but i have been picking up the pace for Otaku House. I have already settled two albums as promised and working on my third one. I think I’d give myself the week interval before working on set B. Its a very lazy July… sigh. I wish I have more work from my paying work!

About Mei

writer by trade, writer by passion
likes her earl grey with sugar
currently writing her manuscript

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