Hi everyone, blogging!

So its been two weeks since the wedding and heck! I feel lazy still. I think the work low is quite hard to take which I am quite amused since last year, I was not that busy till X-mas. But I think this was to be expected since my work is pretty much connected to the schedules abroad. Sure there were times it was down, some times I meet some ups but that’s how life goes in working. At least I keep learning and that’s soo good.

Speaking of learning, been getting some additional classes from Coursera and I am quite excited with them since they got some of my favorites like Astronomy, the Internet and even History. Its a good thing that they give out these classes so you can get credentials. For now I will be trying my best to attend in them since my work really clashes with my free time, plus there is also that feeling of laziness especially now its raining. While i’m thankful for the rain, it just makes you lazy to do things.

Money wise, haha trying to recover. But as far as planning is concerned. I will be doing my x-mas shopping earlier this year as I am planning to go to Spain this holidays. Of course this will still depend on that US trip but like always, I stress I really want to go to Europe or in Japan. US, just to visit family.

Right now, will be logging off since my nose is yet again sneezing!

About Mei

writer by trade, writer by passion
likes her earl grey with sugar
currently writing her manuscript

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