Hi everyone, its another blog entry and heck, its going to be one long long August once I am done with this entry. Hahaha, its not that August is boring and all but heck, got some big works to finish this month. A thesis paper for one of my clients back at work, some additional ones for my September budget and the incoming rankings for the competition I’m a part of. Im not technically a part of it but of course, my part there is quite important.

Last week has been pretty much a blur since I had to finish several papers and work on my thesis work for some clients. There was also the fact that the country had been ravaged by 2 weeks rains due to the strong monsoon pull. According to reports, the rainfall we got is equivalent to almost a month worth of rains. Manila got the full brunt of it, so are some regions near dams, which is why many were left devastated and out of homes. Hope you guys pray for them. At this point while writing this blog, the weather is yet again changing. We have another LPA coming in our way and heck, seems the forecast that August would be bombarded by rains was right.

For the weekend, it was family day for me, my lil bro, and my parents since we usually watch movies when we have the time. Sadly we were not able to watch Batman: The Dark Knight Rises which was such a bummer. Nonetheless, I have not watched the second film yet so I’d watch that first before that. So, instead, we watched Bourne Legacy.

One reason the Bourne Legacy struck so much is because some parts of the film were shot in the Philippines. The media had broadcasted it some months ago and knew it would be a great tourism campaign to show the world the country’s various capacities for filmmakers and tourists. Many contest this idea because of Manila’s not so beautiful and crowded feeling. No one can argue however with the beauty of Palawan.

I am never a fan of the first three Bourne series and I pretty much knew Jeremy Renner from his Avengers stint. Rachel Weiss, not so much. Watching the movie was ok, cant do much spoilers since I hate revealing spoilers. At first I didnt get so much about the Jason Bourne connection so I think that’s connected to the first three films. I did like the super cool fight scenes done by Renner as Aaron Cross, this sooped up operative from Outcome. I also like the fact he still has his human side unlike that LARX one. The Manila scenes were ok, could not imagine how Manila could look OK in the movies while there’s the factor its not like that in real life. The Filipino lines I heard were pretty much ok, just amusing I even heard the police say “Hinto” instead of “Tumigil ka” or “Stop” since clearly they were chasing an American. What I loved so much is the rooftop scene, would love to try it if I learned Parkour. The scene werein veteran stage and film actor Lou Veloso took the day with his undeniable simple line of helping Shearing and Cross vanish from the public and the fact something gold is in his wrist on the end scene. I also like the fact they did an aerial of the Palawan scenery. Excellent. But I did find the ending a little disappointing since I never even thought that was it. It just ended so soon. Ah well, hope they do the sequel starting from the country.

Anyway, more rains hit the country since we got another typhoon in our midst… seriously this is one messed up August. Also celebrated some birthdays. My late cousin Dion’s birthday on the 7th… or was it the 8th?, my not so little cousin Montel’s birthday on the 9th and of course, my favorite Tako-man’s birthday on the 13th. Nonetheless, we also remembered my super cool cousin Kuya Razyd who sadly passed away one year ago on August 9th. One year without the guy who could talk straight Filipino and you cant even get what he’s saying. But he’s one of the emotionally attached cousins one could wish for. Sure he had his flaws but one cannot deny we missed him terribly.

For now I shall bid adieu as I have to work on my thesis and some extra work. One can be truly lazy with the rain… sigh. Well I also hate the heat so I wish it was somehow in between. Its always the ber months so I can still wait. Hihihihihi

About Mei

writer by trade, writer by passion
likes her earl grey with sugar
currently writing her manuscript

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