Hi everyone… hahaha, well at least I’m blogging somewhat!

Its yet again another week of pure rain and winds, apparently some 4 weather systems are making the country’s weather completely out of shape. Winds here, heavy rains there and Manila submerged! Reminds me soo much of my uni years when I got stuck in two of the major typhoons while in the city. However, I do hope my friends and visitors and so on are ok; especially those who are in the affected regions in Bataan, Cavite and even in the mountains like in Baguio. I remember I have a friend there whom I met in AnimePaper. I met her personally on one of my trips there and well sadly, couldnt remember where’s her facebook account… ah well I’ll try looking for her again.

News has been in a buzz as well because of the recent death of another law student due to hazing. While the idea of fraternities and sororities being helpful for one’s future especially since it establishes connections, the idea some of them use violence to initiate neophytes is beyond me. How could people, educated people, even think of using violence for their newbies? It doesnt make any sense. Many lives have been lost, many dreams have been shattered and yet those people involved in the hazing are still loose. I do hope our government would find out these people and not just let their cases bury themselves in the deepest bowels of unsolved cases. Condolenses to the families of those who lost their lives due to hazing.

Olympics… ahhh well, hope our bet for boxing wins! It would be good if someone could at least catch up to Onyok Velasco’s scoring when he joined the Olympics. I guess the country would have won a lot if Manny Pacquiao managed to join the Olympics when he was slowly starting his winning streak.

In a more personal extent, been busy with work as always. I managed to do an all-nighter for one paper about Afghanistan which was an eye-opener somewhat because it would have been like Saudi if it wasnt for the fact it was isolated by its neighboring countries and the fact many countries aspired to control it. Plus the wars of course ravaged the country. I have a thesis lined up which is due the end of this month… hopefully I can do some magic with this since this is my first thesis in a while since I went on that mini vacation. Trying to get more money from this work because my birthday is almost close!

Speaking of birthdays, I had the most oddest of plans because I decided to celebrate it by watching Phantom of the Opera. Coincidentally my mum and bro want to watch it and the season got extended. Mum told me my older brother did it for a play before and my lil bro, well he’s getting most of the attention these days coz Archi is giving him a headache. While I’m only familiar with fragments of the story, seeing the play in CCP is a first. The money issh for the tickets… working on it! Other plans for my birthday? Not much… heck I need to make a lot of bucks before X-mas 2012 or I’ll be so screwed with the gifts! Hahaha! But I think I’ll try giving myself a Tempur pillow or the Fujifilm Instax this year… a reality in the next few months or weeks.

I bid you all adieu for now!

About Mei

writer by trade, writer by passion
likes her earl grey with sugar
currently writing her manuscript


  1. I’m really thankful we’re not in any of those affected areas. I can’t believe that a Habagat actually caused this much damage. (I mean, it’s not even a typhoon!)

    I don’t really update myself with current events so I don’t know much about those Hazing cases. =.=” I actually can’t understand it myself, How those supposedly educated can do something as barbaric as that. Maybe, revenge? The theyvedoneittomesoilldoittoyou mentality? Surpressed hatred for the world? Or maybe some people are just that crazy? Lol.

    Good luck with the thesis~ Seems like you have it rough.

    Aww..This might be too early but, advance Happy Birthday~

    1. So true, hope you wont be affected by the incoming one coz I dont think these rains will stop for a while.

      I think the hazing thing is more of a mutual tradition that went wack. I dunno. Hahaha.

      Thesis wise, haha, I’m not working on my own thesis. Done that three years ago. Thesis wise is for work since I’m a freelance writer :D

      Thank you also for your birthday greetings ^^

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