Wahahaha! I forgot to blog two days ago so I will blog now.

Just 20 minutes have passed since I actually turned 22… Yeah, I’m 22 and it means I am really a legal adult… haha, I do look the same and feel the same but of course the fact that work drills my head ever so often is just a thing that reminds you that you aint a kid anymore. Nonetheless, Im still a sweet tooth and I’m just itching to eat some gelato when I go out to Manila in the next 10 hours. Hopefully I wont drop sleeping later as I am still stuck with work

Work wise, I am still stuck doing two papers about gay rights and marriage which are due later this afternoon and later around midnight the next day. While I know the topic generally, discussing it in detail is quite hard. Nonetheless, I would try my best to finish everything as I would be screwed once I take a day off on the 29th. I would have to speak to work people to reschedule my day offs. I’d probably give my gift to myself on my October and November salary since I plan to really go to Singapore. Hehehehe.

Later, me and my parents would be going to see my little bro. Hopefully I really do be able to finish all of these papers X_x i am trying to haggle getting an extension if I can but its most likely me cramming everything in a few… hehehe. complicated papers.

Right now I dunno what I’d wish for my birthday. I often forgot about my wishes on my birthday. Hehehe. Anyway, later, I most likely would buy myself a new pair of havs as the one I am using, the havs I got on my birthday four years back is getting old and since it has a dragon print, I want to save it. And some cookies… we’re going to that foreign supermarket today so I am itching to get those Holland cookies and chips… and some RAMEN!

Will post again later!

About Mei

writer by trade, writer by passion
likes her earl grey with sugar
currently writing her manuscript

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