Hi everyone

For the past couple of days, one might have noticed that i have not been updating. That is due to the fact that I got locked out of the system for some weird reason. Some websites have been attacked by some hackers and well, it has caused some changes to happen. I had to take a while to get in to the place, even Kouryou got attacked. Thankfully its over for now so I am back in the blogging business.

Its been a weird and honestly lazy-busy August. I worked on a thesis, which was really interesting to say the least, and work has been picking up quite well. I have still yet to finish my work for the OH semis. The tallies are just too many for me to work on unlike last year. Heck, I think the numbers just doubled! I would try my best to finish everything despite my work load for my other work. Its picking up already as School is back in the West. Current topics on work is environment and pretty much, Sino-Japanese relations. Hopefully I can finish it this weekend.

Now that work is back, I also have school in Coursera. Hehehe, I have not been that in touch with it yet but I am enjoying my current subjects. I just dunno if I can actually work on the deadlines for assignments. Its pretty close with my own backlogs so uhhh! I wish the best for me and my schedule!

Its finally September and heck, a couple of days to go before my 22nd Birthday. While I hate becoming old each year, September’s pretty much the time I have to pick up the pace with work since it starts the X-Mas Shopping. I did some of my X-mas shopping online since some of the things I need are online. Will do the same this year and at the same time, save up coz heck, by December I need to make a lot of bucks! If I were to go to do my jetsetter plans, I need moolah! So early X-mas shopping.

Of course September is also the month I get to splurge a little bit. Hey, I love myself that much so forgive me! Hahaha! No plans yet for this site change. Probably I’d do that next year :D

About Mei

writer by trade, writer by passion
likes her earl grey with sugar
currently writing her manuscript

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