Hi everyone… gah, while I noted I would use this as a blog, it never got to the point I regularly update this place… Hahaha

Well I just renewed the domain for this place, i cant believe its already been a year since I used the name Akizora for my blog. Hahaha, good times good times. Of course I will not say that for now since its still a few days before I exactly celebrate its one year. Ironically, it would be after my 22nd birthday.

As far as my 22nd birthday is concerned, it has been a whirlwind as to how it should be celebrated. On the one end, I was supposed to get free tickets to fly wherever till my aunt told me I could only use her offer for domestic fees. There’s also phantom of the opera but heck with the ticket fees X_x Right now, I decided to share my birthday with my family and just give my mum some grocery money and just chill with my lil bro. Hahaha, kinda nice of me to do so… but he has been complaining to me for a while. I will have to do some maneuvering for it… haha, and some bad ass working till October 16th. I think I can do so… hehehe, now that everything is going back to normal back in work. I still have some work on backlog so heck with that, I might work on them on the holidays again.

I am still having my small bouts of sniffles… well its allergic rhinitis which is paintful to say the least since my ribs hurt often while I sneeze. Its a thing I never really get away from for a while. Ah well, its expected.

Will blog again later on XD

About Mei

writer by trade, writer by passion
likes her earl grey with sugar
currently writing her manuscript

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