Hahahaha! It has taken me this long to post a blog! God this is not my usual! Darn darn darn!!!! Ah well, at least I could do this regularly till work returns back to normal… so let us begin the fun!

So since my last entry, work had indeed been quite a big big pile as mid-November to this week went high season. Hahaha, I think I never slept later than 5 am for the past few weeks and I ended up staying up the whole day in some occassions so my body clock is damn screwed. Hahaha, but I think I’d be able to work my way in fixing it this time as it is the holidays already. I’d probably be back to work on the first week of January, but it wont be that much. Hopefully it would be much as I would need to do a couple of things for next year. Seriously anticipating it and at the same time, the hard work would double next year. Hahaha. this is going to be one hell of a ride. Hahaha. Anyway, I was able to make my all-time high again this month. Nonetheless I think I would have done way higher if i was not that pressed for time. hopefully next year I could get that four digits :D But I like knowing about a lot of things. It makes me a bit knowledgable about the things around me and well, when it does stray in familiar territory, I shine. I loved some of the topics I did so I might make a special for that ^^

On my loves… ah, I managed to finally catch on its first screening day Rurouni Kenshin. I already did an entry for Otaku House (Just not sure if they posted it yet) and in Kouryou but man, it was some wicked movie! I definitely Woah-ed, gaped and laughed merrily throughout the film. Loved everything! I’m getting the BD box for it since seriously, Takeru Sato is just love in that… though you cant say no to dear old Sano! Hahaha! I’m also picking up in some of my favs. Sadly with my KHR dose gone (damn, I want more Hibari), I ended up stumbling upon an Akira Amano sketched series called Psycho-Pass. So its all futuristic and so on but a system tells you if you committed a crime or if you’re bound to make one. It’s not my usual thing to actually watch something that has a bit of psychological flare to it, but you get to learn some things about detective work. But damn, I did love most of all is seeing Shinya Kogami, who is somehow Kyoya Hibari in 28 years old! Sure they dont act the same and sometimes, you just dont see how they look the same… but carnivore wise, Most definitely yes! Currently the Anime is still in progress and I must love it. Kinda weird to hear Seki-san (VA for Shinya) that calm and so on considering he also played Pierrot from my other favorite, Yakitate Japan. But Cloud as a vicious mastermind… damn, he makes Sephiroth look like an angel in this series.

Holiday plans… not much at the moment as I need both money and sanity for next year. But its going to be mostly for the family. I will also try my best to recover my body clock… seriously I think I messed it up. Hahaha. Right now I’m going to log off as I owuld need to wake up early tomorrow as I would be doing my fast x-mas shopping….. should I also buy a dress… Hahaha XD Laters!

About Mei

writer by trade, writer by passion
likes her earl grey with sugar
currently writing her manuscript

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