Gaaaah! So so so so long for me to update. This is not one of the best things I am doing unconsciously for the past few days. YARE YARE DA!!! Anyway, must try my best! MUST TRY MY BEST TO CHANGE! Hahahaha!

January 2013 has begun alright. Sadly my sickness went to destroy my schedules so I had to endure some pain in the start of the year. I have always been a sickly one so it wasn’t that abnormal. But I got told off to lay off the all-nighters and drink lots of Vitamins as I got struck by the flu at the end of the year. That sucked big time. A week after recovering, I ended up getitng complications on my tonsils, which had been my problem since I was in uni. Right now I feel good and with some usual body pains. Right now I am on regular dancing exercise with my DDR, vitamins and pretty much regulated food intake. Hahaha.

This year, its going to be one hell of a 2013 as I would be beginning my quest to become a traveller! Well, not the rurouni type of traveller. Hahaha. I am still addicted to the Ruroken Live Action series and wow, I am getting the limited edition BD set just because of it! Hahaha! I shall find the time, resources and the guts to remake that into a cosplay when I feel like it. But right now, my target is Saber from Fate Stay Night… haha, delaying that shoot this year is not an option! Plus I kinda want to make my friend Jayne my model for this XD Details to follow soon.

Anyhow, I shall be travelling this year :D Southeast first before heading off to East Asia, Europe and the US. Right now, seems Middle East would have to wait considering the tensions happening there but when things become ok, I’ll probably go there. I wish to see my Maman! Hehehe! I have an incoming one soon, but at this point, I am working like a pack mule as work is currently returning back to its properly work.

For the rest of 2013… big projects come big ideas! Right now I am going to device three particular projects with my happy trio of friends and our cohorts. Hehehe. I can’t wait for our monthly sweet splurges again. Haha, Cupcakes from Vanilla Cupcake Bakery! I shall come for you soon!

About Mei

writer by trade, writer by passion
likes her earl grey with sugar
currently writing her manuscript

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