Ok, I have been delaying my updates here… yare yare daaa!

Hi everyone, its been ages and I admit work is one of the major reasons why I have not been seen here, being a freelance writer is a full-time job and wow with the information you get too! While sometimes you can regret being lazy at times, the work is quite fulfilling and informative. I feel like a student! YOOUTTH!

Anyway, aside from work, been a silent summer time in the country… albeit it is freaking hot! I can’t even lift my body to even do things due to the heat! *makes it double worst now I have tons of work. Sigh* Had to cancel all my abroad trips till September coz of the bird flu stuff. But I might go to Singapore instead on my birthday this year. I have to admit time is moving too fast that I just realized I’m going to be 23 in the next 5 months. More sigh…

As for my other news, happy happy happy me and sad sad my wallet coz my now new favorite store online offered some YJA/Amazon Batch orders so I tried it out. I pretty much am not a collector, but I’m a frustrated one when I want something that catches my eye. Eventually, I managed to get several rarities, like the Psycho-Pass Comiket 12 release Artbook No. 1, ACE 2013 Artbook No. 2 and the entire manga set for the series. I also got several Reborn items! REBORN HOW I MISS THEEE!

But, I am clearly waiting for are these two…


Sadly that would mean my purse would be crying for the next few months X_X But it is worth it! HIBARIIII!!! Obsession! I am also dying to get my Reborn Parka and Shirt from Artifact (won the shirt from YJA too) and my Mafia Reborn series! I also purchased some items from AmiAmi but given my spending, I might refine all my plans for X-mas already once May comes in :)) Will be expecting some figmas in the list but as of this point my figma count is at 4. Miku, Saber, Belldandy and my OC.

I will be doing some cleaning up soon for both this and Kouryou (especially Kouryou) as I do intend to make Kouryou my portfolio site. Sadly i cant find the replacement WPs I wanna use for both as I cannot find which email I emailed the layout artists. Darn it!

Oh yeah, just ended up trying to watch Naruto SD. Hilarious! But I had to stop watching as I ended up ditching work again. Hahaha! But I’ll work on it now. Will be busy till May!! Hopefully I can squeeze in some meetings with my friends as it is been so long :(. Ah well, cheerios for now!

About Mei

writer by trade, writer by passion
likes her earl grey with sugar
currently writing her manuscript

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