poke0091Hi everyone, late post is late post… Will be posting my late blogs according to when I wrote them so make sure you check the backlogs if you will be interested in them :D

Anyway, went out to the city again last wednesday (Thats 7/24) and scheduled a few meetings again with my buddies. Sadly, I was not able to meet two of my buddies because of their own commitments so I went out for the rest of the afternoon with my good buddy from dA Momoryuji!!!

[Insert; Didnt get photos on that day because we were so distracted and amused of our day ^^v]

Just a little 411. I met Momoryuji, or as I fondly call her : dudes, dudeness, or the ever cool chiboust!, in deviantART. I can’t remember exactly the year… guess sometime around 07 or 08, but I was already in college then. We had a common friend too in dA, my former host and still good friend Jae. We exchanged IMs and so on back then and the first time I met her was in a 7/11 store almost two years ago when she was doing a paper on street foods in the area I used to stay in. Since then, we did one shoot (which I still have yet to fix in terms of my backlogs… dead life) and watched a movie (Les Miserables!!!).

So, after a quick run in Trinoma for a haircut and some other things, got a ride to Katipunan Ave since I promised I’ll meet her there since she studies in Ateneo (the rival school, as they say, of my home school La Salle). Saw each other in the bank since I had to run some errands and drove off after setting the GPS, the app Waze (you can download it on both the App Store and in Google Store). It was an amusing drive to say the least with Ryuji-kun (as she likes to be called online) driving. Both of us didnt eat lunch and we spent some time arguing with Waze-y (our nickname to the app) since it got us lost on the way to my sister’s wedding photographer’s place. Thankfully we still found it and drove off. But when we were about to go to Rockwell Powerplant Mall (in the hopes of shipping the albums… which was roughly 9kg when I had it shipped today), Waze-y made us lose the way again. We ended up going to SM Megamall to check Fedex but still no luck, and we got lost once more on the lefts and rights… stupid wazey confusion. So we just tried to go to Taguig to have our lunch/snack there and have the albums sent through the Post Office, making me call my folks so I can hitch a ride home.

Thankfully we got there through Waze-y’s guidance, though we’re getting pretty sick of the keep rights and keep lefts of it. We were supposed to have a small tea party in da.u.de but unfortunately, both of us did not see the reservation print of the coupon so we just ate in this nearby restaurant called Wild Flour after buying a pack of tea leaves and a tea maker in da.u.de (I can swear by the tea maker! Very very ingenious!). We discussed mostly business and personal stuff and I got so amused with my agnolotti meal, egg pasta with cheese in them. Its like eating gyoza that is filled with cheese and surprisingly, it made me full in seconds. I also tried out their homemade pineapple-vanilla soda, which was both sweet and distinct. I recommend the place, especially their pastries. Definitely something new to the taste.

Traveling back to Trinoma was memorable because of Wazey and our delayed sugar/food rush. However, I will shush as to how it became memorable :)) Even I am uncertain over the course of events… Rain started pouring when we arrived in Trinoma so said my goodbyes to Ryuji-kun (who also gave me my stuff (YAY SABER!!)). Sadly, my stuff (which consisted of my sandals from Tutum Shop, a yellow wig (Saber), my new Saber figma (from my favorite figure shop), and my very special Artifact shirt (Hibari!!!!) were in a big paperbag so I had to carry that and the 9kg albums alternately. My dad sadly gave me wrong instructions so I had to walk around the mall twice much to my ire. Sigh. Thankfully I managed to get my dad to carry everything. Lol.

Happy happy and a slightly stressful wednesday but it was one of the best. My next trip perhaps will be back to my Uni… I have delayed it long enough :)) See you next month Taft!

About Mei

writer by trade, writer by passion
likes her earl grey with sugar
currently writing her manuscript

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