sweet1nsanednbathl2Hi everyone, welcome to the new update of Akizora and finally I decided to renew the site’s layout. Lol, a tad too plain I know but I think its good to lay back on the colors for a while.

After all this layout would stick for a while… till I find a super cool layout that can fit my cute blog! I actually found a cute one but I dont see how the widgets would work so this one would be ok for now :D I still cannot figure out how to put an image header in this… Sigh, will figure it out eventually.

Anyway, the start of the month had greeted me with not just a runny nose but this news…


Saw this on a Takeru Sato FB page and then followed from the Samurai X page, then in ANN and some others. I have to gape when I saw the one playing the burnt but definitely powerful Makoto Shishio! EFFFFF! Cant believe Tetsuya Fujiwara is doing him! From Death Note, he is definitely the best bet for Kira. I cannot wait to see him in Rurouni Kenshin next year! Two movies with both Takeru and Tetsuya… EFFFFF!!!!! God I sense 2014 will run me out of my money!

Checking out things already for X-mas and definitely it is time to make sure I have everything and anything I need for the incoming holidays. Both money and gift wise. Sigh, i do hope we get to work on that business we’re planning :))

Also got this today… well technically I dont have it with me coz I had it diverted to Chiboust-chan as part of our little deal :)) Got this exclusive pair from Tutum Shop, visit them in the SuperSale Bazaar this July 2013. I just happened to have seen it in passing and I do need a pair of sandals. LOL. Cheerios for now!


About Mei

writer by trade, writer by passion
likes her earl grey with sugar
currently writing her manuscript

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