32 (2)Blog time once more!

The past few week has been quite amusing, especially today. But before I get to that, lets first start off with me celebrating! YAY! The EU has finally lifted the ban on Philippine airline carrier, Philippine Airlines and now will allow the said carrier to have direct flights to the European nations. YAY! No more connecting flights. I have been planning to go to Europe this year but I had not anticipated some slight changes in planning and personal events that had me to stay. There’s also the money ish so lets leave it at that. Anyway, hopefully the prices would not be as dear as those two connecting flights and all because one of the major problems for Filipinos in trying to get to the European territories is due to the high price for plane tickets back and forth. Hopefully PAL would provide some answers to it.

Second off… gotten the update that most of my purchases from my favorite seller is in the country. Hopefully by September I can pay off everything and also plan on some other business… HAHAHAA! Can’t wait to touch my rare Psycho-Pass artbooks and my Hibari merch! YAY! Oh, PSYCHO-PASS Season 2 is coming up so hopefully its ok.

Currently watching this weird swimming anime called Free! while I got nothing to watch.

Anyway, finally, today’s my mum’s birthday and made her day very nice today because her choir, in connivance with us, got to surprise her an hour before her birthday. Had to stay up with her for the rest of the morning and uploaded some videos too. Amusingly, not only did she not wake up with it, the whole thing was a blur to her. I sense a part two on this but hopefully everything would be smoother than this one. LOL.

Well thats it for now. Cheerios!

About Mei

writer by trade, writer by passion
likes her earl grey with sugar
currently writing her manuscript

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