art001Hi everyone… free time does wonders to me but I do have work still so I would be working on that in the next coming hours. LOL. I still have some updating to do in my other accounts but blogging amuses me so :D

Its been a weird weekend so far as the weather keeps changing from sunny to rainy and I who have a weird physical structure, end up either sneezing or sweating like heck. But even if that is the case, I am still sneezing. I sense a super sneezy filled 2013 :)) Cant believe its almost September… Sheesh!

With the freedom I have in work, time is back in my sanity so I would be able to attend some of the classes I have in Coursera. I only keep on enrolling but I couldnt really enter most of them because of the time and the fact it never crosses my mind to go on them. But since I have some time, id be able to enter some of it. I have two incoming so I am looking forward to it! There is also the Signature Track for those lessons and certificates, the Signature Track course is quite expensive so Id have to settle with the ordinary certificates they issue in Coursera. I also fixed my edX account, it is handled by MIT, Harvard and other universities not part of the original Coursera setup.

Finally, some updates about the shop I mentioned in my previous entry. Me and my buddies are slowly developing our Japanese specialty shop we are calling Spira. Currently its under development. I managed to make our storenvy site and used some color schemes in COLOURLOVERS. Love that place so much. We still need a few things before we can say we can open everything. Hopefully we will be able to fix everything by this month :) Will keep you guys updated!

About Mei

writer by trade, writer by passion
likes her earl grey with sugar
currently writing her manuscript

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