2743-xxxholicHi everyone!

Yep, took a while once more to make me blog and yes, its almost that time of the year again! BWAHAHAHAHA! While I know it would always mean I will grow older one more year, sigh, I always love Septembers because work is back in season then.

Anyway, August 2013 is quite normal to say the least. Had the usual rains that are typhoon in relation and all that! Slow low season which is annoying, and tons of thing to buy but no money! DAMN IT! Big sigh.

Last thought for August… I found this by accident last night and I’d definitely be watching this little show once I am done downloading. I never thought I’d see the day CLAMP agrees to turn one of their hits as a live action but the way Anne Watanabe plays Yuuko? HECK YES!

Sad Watanuki is like his Rou personality X_x


About Mei

writer by trade, writer by passion
likes her earl grey with sugar
currently writing her manuscript

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