A sad post but I kinda want to do it. A short entry but it’s my way of remembering someone very important.

Two years ago, on this fateful day (US time)… probably around August 10 morning in my country, I was told of the news that my cousin Mitchell, or to us our cousin Razyd, has passed away. The news in itself is nerve-racking because the last time I saw that cousin of mine was in the joint party we had for my grandma and for my dad and he was one lively firecracker. He got into slight conflicts while he was here but he was definitely the light of parties when he’s involved with something. My cousin, as I am ashamed to admit, is actually way better than I when it comes to speaking in our native language. He could speak in the most deepest of words that I dont even get, and amusingly, my family would find it harder to understand him. He’s the darling as they say, being the only child of my Uncle and Aunt. He was also the very vocal of his feelings and would give us the largest of hugs.

I dont exactly remember when I first met him, nor the last time I managed to speak to him before his death. I did remember his sentiment when I went on my JS prom on my high school with my other older cousin. However, I would always remember him for his quirky side and his hugs. Definitely his hugs and how good he is in our native language.

It is only as of late that I’m aware that he had a very weak heart which he gotten in birth and was supposed to get his heart transplant sometime before all of this. However, on that fateful day, time seem to stop and all of us, no matter where we were and all; it felt like we were missing something very very important. I never got to say my goodbyes due to visa laws as we were waiting back then for our immigration papers to be decided, but I guess its ok because each time I would remember him, it is always with a smile and say “My cousin was the greatest”.

Its been two years and here we are missing him always. He was our anchor and we know that despite losing him, we all know he’s in a happy place with our grandpa, cousins, and the whole family.

Frankly speaking, he might be partying like we all know he would.

He lived his life to the fullest as they say and he was one of a kind. We all miss you cousin, watch over us always :D

About Mei

writer by trade, writer by passion
likes her earl grey with sugar
currently writing her manuscript

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