drrr35Hi everyone! I have managed to renew my subscription here with my beloved host (working on Kouryou’s in the next few hours) and I feel like blogging so lets get it on!!!!

September, as I have said so many times is the beginning of the -ber months, meaning September marks the beginning of Christmas Preps in the country and the weather is starting to grow colder! I will work on it soon!

September is also the month of mi birthdayyy!!! I’m turning 23 already… gah! MUST MAKE MY PLANS TO GO ABROAD SOON and MAKE A BREAK!

Anyway, have tons of things piled up to do before this coming Friday coz my one of my grandma’s sisters would be staying over for the weekend so must finish all my paperwork! EFF! I think I can wing everything up soon.

For now, here is a view of my preferred work table :DD JCO Donuts, why oh why is it difficult to buy you!

About Mei

writer by trade, writer by passion
likes her earl grey with sugar
currently writing her manuscript

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