a949Hello hello hello and happy 2014! I know its late but I am both lazy and busy in some moments. Yeah, seemed to have carried the blues but still, here are my notes on 2014.

Anyway, while waiting for things to happen as it should (I am patient as it is), January has begun quite slow for me.

Sadly, I had been hit by sickness yet again. My very big tonsils suddenly reacted to the cold weather and found myself sick. of course that was a pain for work but I cannot stop how it goes. Now I have to make note to always buy some medicines in case it happens again. Thankfully its not as worst as before since I was heck prepared. Girl scout!

Plans to go out? Hmm well I have one planned coz of paperwork. As for the 52 week challenge x 3, so far so good! Hehehehe! Ciao for now

About Mei

writer by trade, writer by passion
likes her earl grey with sugar
currently writing her manuscript

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