782598-166Gah! I haven’t been able to allot some time here for a while. I have tried but sigh… I guess I will be able to do a very very long one once the hot season is down and out. but that won’t be a while till summer break hits the Western coast.

So, I am late for the past two months so I will summarize it in this way!

March: Began the month in a happy note as I pretty much gotten myself in a buffet streak with my family in buffet 101 (the rival of Vikings and all these other buffets popping around the city). Work has been quite piling throughout the month and a few days later, I won the contest for Fred Perry Philippines’ Washed Out concert. Originally it was not my idea to join in but my brother wanted to watch it so pretty much I won for him. LOL! The guy went delirious when he found out. In my end, I basically haven’t won a major prize in any gig I join into except for a few minor prizes. Finally gotten this swivel chair i wanted for my small office and practically did my best with the rest of the month.

This month was also the month that MH370 suddenly vanished out of the skies. I do hope that we find the plane soon and at least find out why it vanished like that.

April: Well finally went back to the Summer Capital (probably will make an entry about it soon) and celebrated holy week the week after. As far as everything else is concerned, work has been well despite the gravity of it. But I am getting by.

Will do a proper long one soon. For now I still have plenty work! ZOMG!

About Mei

writer by trade, writer by passion
likes her earl grey with sugar
currently writing her manuscript

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