20100626205322rainiHello, yes I am blogging early because yet again I might forget. Plus I am slightly free from madness so why not take the time out of it?

After all, in this gloomy day my writing skills are top notch!


Anyway, two days ago I had attended one of my charges’ debut and I was asked to be one of the 18th treasure sponsors for her. I have to admit when I was first told that I was one of the sponsors 2 months ago, I freaked out. One, because I had to wear a dress (I loathe wearing dresses! though maxi dresses (which was ok for me) was acceptable). Two, I had to pick a sentimental gift and three, I had nothing to say! Eventually, I just settled on with an impromptu with all the jumbled up thoughts I had regarding it. I gotten a simple maxi dress and pink san/flops (it was both a sandal and a flip flop) for my clothes, then gotten a gift (which was related to her current course in college) and spoke about our childhood and never giving up. I remember the times I would have to hug her because she was scared of the games we were playing in PS 1 (Dino Crisis) and each time it would rain so hard. She was also quite chubby back then, but now she’s sexy and kinda crazy (as she admits). Hopefully my next one for the sisters (they are four sisters and I have attended the first two), I wont have to speak… shivers.

I found it funny I had been a part of the AVR Presentation with my little brother showing off our wacky side. I think i have a copy of that photo somewhere… I used to love the Chupa Chups frames I had but looking at it now, I look like Harry Potter in it!


Since I met up with my local supplier of all things Japanese (I have been lazy to buy them myself) while picking gifts, I have gotten some new merch! (you can read the anime-related ish in the recent update I did for Kouryou)

First up on the list is this cute My Neighbor Totoro Vacuum Flask/Jug which I was hoping to bring in my trip to Baguio last April but I have only gotten the chance to get it when I went gift hunting for the debut I attended. Apparently this one is a vacuum version, allowing you to store cool or hot water for 6 or so hours and it would still be cool. I have gotten one out of the hot season we are having. Can’t get cool water to stay long. Now its raining, I’d probably use it for my teas!

Next in line is this cute box. I have just opened it a few days ago and it was my limited edition Sakura Darjeeling from Japanese cafe Karel Capek and a cup. Unfortunately the cup was broken but not to the unrecoverable level like my Naruto ramen bowl so I will just have to glue it for display). I have yet to try the tea out though.

Another tea (missing just one more piece from my recent orders) from Karel Capek and this time it is their New Year Special tea. I have tried it and it tastes like my usual earl grey + Laduree’s Marie Antoinette. I still have to try out different blend styles for this one because I cannot get the teaspoon ratio for one cup!


Well well well! This one is actually a very cute piece I have wanted for a long time since I saw it in JBox for sale a couple of years back. They still sell it but I haven’t bought from that site yet so when i saw it in the auction, I had my supplier buy it. My brother, who also loves anything Ghibli, loved the music box feature. Quite small but its good for small trinkets.

To end my merch post are these two. I got them from a small kiosk in SM Megamall’s newest wing (near Aeropostale if i remember right) called Papertrails and they specialize in all kinds of cute things like these two. I am a great lover of cute letterheads and whatnot and these two just caught my attention :)


I have also been doing some classes for the past three weeks (Today’s Week 3) for the Specializations Course in Coursera. Apparently it is now as different with my classes back in the past but this time, there are topics regarding conflict and peace management and resolution (which I did not have in my classes in this extent). This class is part 1 of 3 classes, I have attended the third class when it was introduced prior to the Specializations program so I am excited. Right now we’re studying conflict and peace management and I have to do the peer-assignments by Monday while I have paperwork. Hopefully my paperwork won’t be that bad :)

That is it for my update for now! Must now update my cute hobonichi which I have been neglecting for a while

About Mei

writer by trade, writer by passion
likes her earl grey with sugar
currently writing her manuscript

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