107Hello everyone,

As I have tweeted in my official twitter account (which I am uncertain that people follow), I will be blogging more often now as I have a slow season back in work and I am indeed still doing my classes back in Coursera. I will be organizing things again in a few days or weeks here in the blog and in Kouryou to sort out which goes which. But most of my blog reviews for my figures and anime stuff will go to Kouryou then here is just my random blog :) Travel… hmm, informal one is here i guess then formal one on Kouryou. We will see. I also checked out the counters. Seems my hobonichi review is quite famous so hopefully I will make another one of those reviews soon.

Anyway, as I have noted, I am doing some intensive classes in Coursera for their specializations offering and I have to admit its like being back in Uni but so much more. Since I took up International Relations and Politics in La Salle, I was thinking it would have been a review course – which it slightly was coz some of the lessons we had were on theories of IR, EU, UN SC and so on. But, to my humble surprise, it added conflict and peace management (which we slightly discussed but not to this specific extent) and other international organizations which I did not get to learn from school. This coming monday is the dreaded finals week and the due date for our mock proposal on UN SC Reforms. So far, my team is doing well in the collaboration for the proposal but still waiting for the others. I did offer some good ideas but getting them refuted in some points also helps me learn. This is practice for Masters :))) My preliminary grade for the peer assignments was alright too. Missed a part but everything was swell.

On other news, apparently I will be able to display my growing collection of figures (a very expensive hobby) in a new room. Hopefully I will be able to display them alongside my books. We will see in the coming days.

To cap off, I was told that the new Haruki Murakami book is out in August. I had given my brother one of the rare hardbacks for Sputnik Sweetheart and I was amazed it was that expensive now. I have not read a Murakami book yet but it seems famous so I might buy off the new one :) We shall see.

About Mei

writer by trade, writer by passion
likes her earl grey with sugar
currently writing her manuscript

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