Nowadays, it is difficult to find a company online that would help freelance writers to earn money without fearing if the company is a scam or not. However, one site had managed to catch my attention, and that is Here are the reasons why I love this company:

     Easy to apply – For new writers, all you need to do is fill up the application form, send in your CV and diploma scan, and pass their citation test, and the application essay to be considered for their roster.
     Simple and workable job portal –Job requests are organized through case numbers with their unique job page that lists the nature of the request. Writers can easily apply for cases and reach their clients through this page. Submissions are also regularly checked for plagiarism and quality.
     Subject and job type – Writers have a choice to a variety of subjects and job types, from simple essays to dissertations.
     Reasonable pay and secure payment options – Cases are priced depending on the job request and can be received every 16th of the month through known payment options.
     Status PROmotion and benefits – If you provide quality and efficient work, writers have a chance to be promoted to PRO light or PRO status, which offers higher pay and easier case application.
     Friendly 24/7 Customer Support – The Company’s support team is accessible through their Help Desk or chatbox 24/7 to cater any inquiry.
     Always Up and Up-to-Date- The job portal is open 24/7 and regularly improves its user-friendly functions not just for its writers but also for its clients.

Hope to see you there!

About Mei

writer by trade, writer by passion
likes her earl grey with sugar
currently writing her manuscript


  1. Hi
    This was such a wonderful piece!!
    However, I would wish to get some lines (vibes) that go so well with the Writerbay staff that they will approve my requests to work on their orders. I have tried to appeal to them to approve my requests but none has come through.
    Thank You.

    1. Thank you very much for commenting. As far as I could say to your comment regarding the requests, I did experience that several times and missed some of the cases I actually like to work on. I think the QAD sifts out requests and in some cases, the PRO writers get an upper hand if they also find interest on a said case. Its all in the request or reason as to why you are applying. I’ved been working for them for quite sometime so I am familiar with the feeling of competition between writers for cases.

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