A_gift_for_the_tree_spirit_by_jinju-153Waaaai! September is here! Finally my birthday month and it would also be the start of busy life. Tons of things are happening this month and in the next few months so I will highlight them in this entry!

First and foremost, Hobonichi has finally opened its store to the public! I posted two articles on this blog of mine about it (Admittedly one of my popular entries). You can now purchase the original Hobonichi planner in Japanese and its Techno version (or Cousin version) in their English site, as well as their accessories list. Last year, it was only offered in their Japanese site but now it is English. There are some new offerings when it comes to their accessories and new covers for your Hobonichi planner. I will be purchasing my copy a few weeks from now coz I missed out on some of the accessories but I will getting another cover for my hobonichi good for travelling (I already found one). You guys can check the site at http://hobonichiplanner.com

Second, Mei is going back to online classes for her second wave of specializations. Slightly scared coz I did kinda hated economics back in the past, especially the numbers and such. However, we shall see. I got this and another one in November before the capstone project so I am optimistic. Thankfully my work schedule is slightly free this month (on the first few weeks) because my schedule follows the Western schedule not the eastern one. I have something keeping me busy right now but with classes, I have some bit of normalcy.

Some movies would also be shown here in the Philippines in the next few weeks and in my last entry, I did say this month is the day when Legend Ends. The final installment to Keishi Otomo’s masterpiece, Rurouni Kenshin movies. I have to admit his answer in the Philippine Press Con a few weeks back pretty much sums it up. Hollywood, if you try to do your own version, please think twice on it. Aside from the final movie for the Ruroken Trilogy is this:

[Photo from House of Japan] Cast of Lupin III

Yup! Lupin III gets his shot in the Live Action franchise and Shun Oguri is Lupin! OMG! Shun’s been a regular fav in many J-dramas, especially those with anime origins like Hana Yori Dango and Gokusen. The Philippines will be having its screening of the live action film on the 17th so I cant wait! The teaser was already intense! Two action-filled movies in one month! SWEET!

This month, well, I’ll probably be also reading this:

Haruki Murakami’s Colorless Tsukuru Tazaki and His Years of Pilgrimage

Yup, gotten myself Haruki Murakami’s new book and unlike the other released version, I gotten the Harvill Secker ver. This actually includes stickers as this is the limited edition print. I personally havent read any Murakami books yet but according to my friends and to my little brother, who has his limited Harvill Secker print of Sputnik Sweetheart (from me for X-mas), he is quite good. I purchased this version in BookDepository (thanks to my beloved friend Jayne for recommending that place).

Finally, as this is my beloved special month, I will be starting counting down the road to Europe 2015. Yup. finally decided where I’ll celebrate next year so hopefully I will be able to make some light on that here soon. For now, Time for me to clean up and have my tea before bed! Cheerios!

Oh, to anyone visiting Kouryou, will be updating that site as well.

About Mei

writer by trade, writer by passion
likes her earl grey with sugar
currently writing her manuscript


  1. hey there! correct me if i’m wrong, but you are in the philippines, yes? :) if so, i have a question re ordering the hobonichi. i placed an order last week and it just shipped today. my question is, how much should i expect to pay when i get/claim it? someone on instagram told me she paid just a hundred bucks. was it the same for you? your response will be really helpful! :) thanks in advance!!!

    1. Hello,

      Yes I am from the Philippines XD As far as I can tell you, You dont have to pay exorbitant fees like a hundred bucks for it :) Aside from what you pay from Hobonichi (which is sent via EMS shipping), you would only have to contend with the Post Office fees here. Fees vary depending on the post office in question which is close to you. I think I only paid somewhere around 50 to 150 pesos to get mine. But that was when the weird port congestion occurred. Hope that helps :)

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