Wahooo! Mei is alive and yet again, on a very late late time of the month. I do apologize for the delays but like my previous posts imply, it is busy month for Mei. Mei is now running as a writer, message operator and even a runner X_x Kinda weird for me but its part of the learning curve. Nonetheless, all this business is making me work hard on my backlogs and this blog is no exception. One of these days I will be scheduling all my late entries.
Now! As the title implies, I finally gotten my copy of next year’s Hobonichi Planner. When I first did my review of the planner last year, it continued raking in site hits for me and still works till today. I also did a separate entry for the accessories. This year, I was able to make a combined order for the cover and the planner.
I have gotten another order for the accessories on a separate site (which would be posted for the next post once I get it).
To the review!
I ordered my hobonichi around Saturday and gotten it Thursday as the guys from Hobonichi only ship via EMS. For Philippine buyers, you would have to pay the post for claiming once it arrives. I paid 100 pesos to claim it. You can use debit cards to purchase from the official store and even use your parents cards. It would still be delivered in your name, but the fee would be charged to your parent’s bill.

As far as the planner is concerned. Not much changed but you will be able to see the following:

I have to admit Hobonichi is still the same but i find it kinda cool that it still catches one’s imagination and dares you to write in it. Hopefully I will be able to keep this hobonichi filled to tbe brim coz right now I have tons of empty ones in my current. But I try my best to fill the pages. Mostly its fun remembering them :))
I will be posting my backlogs when I can!