112Hello and happy happy new year to everyone! Yes, I did not make the should be year-ender. Primarily because I ended up spending most of my free time playing Dragon Age: Inquisition. I had repeated like three times: one incomplete, one complete (Mage character) and one on-pending (Rogue). I have to admit while I did not play the first two, this game is very good. I will be mostly out of it when I get my copy of Final Fantasy Type-O which has the Duscae demo… KYAAAA! NOCTIS!!!! For years that game has been out of reach and it is finally close! Nyahahaha!

Anyway, I am slightly free at the moment as work is currently on slow season so me playing is pretty much ok. I wont be able to do this once work starts again. Next week, I’d be busy in the familial side and I will be posting what it is about once it happens. As far as me looking back from 2014, well I have to say it was still. Moderately productive to some end and memorable on the other. Hopefully 2015 does work on my favor. According to my horoscope, I am a bit lucky this year due to Venus being close to the planet. If that horoscope comes true, Id be surprised because it is a bit slow this week. I do hope things pick up by next week. I do need some funds for my stuff.

For this year… pretty much do travelling. I am turning 25 so I do need to make things right. I also may invest on insurance and all. As I have been neglecting on doing that. Maybe I’ll start next month is not so good. I do hope I can get some new things for this year. Have my fingers crossed.

No new years resolution for me this year. I never really manage to do them. like the 52 week challenge, I never managed that. Haha. I will restart it though. Hopefully this year does give some change.

About Mei

writer by trade, writer by passion
likes her earl grey with sugar
currently writing her manuscript

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