This is a short entry because pretty much this is to commemorate the visit.

Since his election in 2013, Pope Francis has made the airwaves in many of his actions. He is a Pope of many firsts and his trip to the country is but one of them. I watched the arrival of His Eminence in the livestream offered by one of the networks covering the event and I have to admit, even if I was not there, the anticipation was visible and felt! It was so surreal especially when the Pope got out of the plane and the crowd went wild. I can’t imagine what would it be like when you are actually there. Must have been the same when Pope and now Saint John Paul II was last here in the country. Most of the Holy Father’s words are inspiring and the one, so far, which caught to me was his message in the Meeting with the Families in MoA:

When you lose this capacity to dream, then you lose the capacity to love and this energy to love is lost.

This line pretty much captivated me because true, if you start losing sight of your dreams, you just start to forget everything else. This is a good motto or thought to keep mind of. Definitely inspiring. I do hope and pray that Pope Francis never stops smiling. His smile is so charming and you know that this man is special. He is also very humble and down to earth. Ah, I will make a trip to the Vatican to see him personally this year and if not, I will try my best! Hopefully my luck, as said by my horoscope, does bode well!

I like to thank him for visiting the country. After all the calamities and trials this country has faced, he came to grieve and help us recover like a shining beacon of hope. Thank you Pope Francis!

About Mei

writer by trade, writer by passion
likes her earl grey with sugar
currently writing her manuscript

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