Sad post for the day. kinda been in my mind for a while and its my way of giving a tribute.

I don’t exactly remember as to when I first met you as memories of my childhood (or anyone’s childhood for that matter) vary in how much they could remember. However, I would always remember that you were always here on many family gatherings and whenever my relatives from the US are at home. You would sometimes give us treats and many jovial stories that would get us laughing. But whenever I do greet you when you arrive, I’d always get a big bear hug and say I’m your lovely niece. That never changed even when I grew older by the years.

One of the greatest memories I have of you is when you introduced me to some of your fellow politicians when I was taking photos of a classmate of mine for an awarding in the Capitol. Admittedly I did try to see you that day to get some good photos for my classmate and school, but I also wanted to say my hellos as it is courteous to do so. I remember your fellow Board Member, who is now the Vice Governor of this province, telling me I was a very cheeky but quirky girl when you did introduce him to me. I do not know if he still remembers me though, but when I saw him a couple of times that very day, he did keep telling me that and gave my classmates a photo treat. He did refer to me as your niece too and teased me relentlessly while we took those photos. Twas your doing after all.

Although I met you rarely when I entered my college years, I did get to see you on the reunions you mostly egged everyone to continue when it was first celebrated a few years back. Never did a dull moment come in when you started your mayor-ish banters and the bloopers you did in every reunion celebration. In our last reunion, your bloopers were so amusing that you brought the house down with laughter.

When I found out that you passed on Monday morning, I was shocked. Although I knew you had many pains to endure, you never allowed it to show at all. But I did feel sad because I’d never be getting your hugs again and break into giggles in every reunion celebration to come for the clan. We lost a very fine icon in the family and a man who knows how to serve and bring change.

I’d miss you very much my dearest uncle, the entire family will most definitely miss you loads. Watch over us always.

About Mei

writer by trade, writer by passion
likes her earl grey with sugar
currently writing her manuscript

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