takaHello everyone! Gah! Its been a while since I posted again… I have been very busy trying my best to go all spartan when it comes to me trying my luck on making tons of jobs. Lol, it is not advisable to take tons of jobs you can’t keep but if you are heck good at it, In my case, I’m that desperate to make ends meet to do some plans of mine. Haha. Its a hard process.

Anyway, my May has been a bit busy since my work has been picking up quite nicely. Mei is now in need to sell some of my collection to support my targets in purchasing a new pc. My current one is now as slow as a turtle so I must work on improving it. I love this laptop from the moment I bought it but as it is quite old, I do need to change it. Plus I turned it to a desktop. I will probably have to get that Mac-ish one now. I still havent done by article for that NGO i mentioned to you guys in my last entry, but within the week it would be posted. I am just horribly busy.

Mei is still on her ONE OK ROCK streak (as seen in the avatar above, thanks to the LJ user who made it). I will be doing a special review entry from a shop service I used to fuel my OOR love. I have to admit I bought quite some interesting loot through that shop. I will order more once my balance is back on the green. Currently it is in the red… sigh.

I havent opened Kouryou yet since I have been very busy. I am going to finish some backlogs first and all that randomness. I will also be organising the link list for this so that you guys are updated as to the accounts I own.

That is it for my entry nowwww! Cheerios!

About Mei

writer by trade, writer by passion
likes her earl grey with sugar
currently writing her manuscript

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