081Hello everyone! I havent been able to post my ultimate review for the Duscae Demo (I will push through once the update is indeed applied). I have been very very busy lately with tons of things which I will blog about below!

First off, Mei has been quite busy with work, both offline and online. Offline, mostly handling things for the family (who knew I’d be doing this stuff :)) and experiencing the burdens of such things (its temporary but gah! it is a learning curve). Online, pretty much things are going well without me self-destructing so far. I am happy to announce though that I was recently accepted as a Junior Researcher for a new NGO in London. I’d probably blog about my first article (which I am still in the process of drafting. I will probably have it submitted by this weekend. so many stuff to do in my end). I was actually happy to be one of its initial staff because having just a BA degree in my field is not much. Being in such NGO was a dream. Lol. I am going to do my best to flourish in that field and I guess prove to myself that I can indeed make a difference even in my own little way. (Who knows, it might be my key to my dreams?). I will keep you guys posted on that.

Aside from work… well I am doing a little bit of spring cleaning since I am going to replace my 4 year old laptop. Although it is hard to part with my collection, the fact I had work hiatuses for the beginning of this year, I had to give up a few things. Traveling would be put in the backburner for now… but I am not giving up on a possibility of indeed going out of the country this year. I have to get some RNR soon from the drama here at home. If you want to know more about the sales, you can head on to Spira Shop or to my MFC account. I am surprised at the price of some of them! Lol! It is tempting to sell them but they are quite limited and expensive if bought new.  I might be able to go to Nippon for the holidays (and probably catch ONE OK ROCK in concert, currently loving their latest album and in a fan spree! I have no idea as to the update on that attempt of the OOR Philippines to get AMUSE to get them here.. sigh, it would be a dream)

I will be turning to Kouryou once my first article is active just to give some professional feel to my name. Although I have that in linkedin :))  We shall see how it goes.

For now, Mei will be scarce until my schedule is back to normal… whenever that is!

About Mei

writer by trade, writer by passion
likes her earl grey with sugar
currently writing her manuscript

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