22 (1)Hello everyone,

Ah I have been very busy lately so I haven’t been here yet to blog. I was actually supposed to post something new but I got too distracted with things. Work is back on steam, still working on my proposals for my book, and then pretty much had to endure the very sad weather as it has been raining for almost a month here. Its lucky if sunshine did stay for long. Odd times indeed.

Anyway, what to wait for next month…

– Mei will do another report for her Japan loot from Asmart and Japan Lover Me
– Another report as to how to use Tenso Japan
– Article previews!
– Some random fan stuff :))

I will also open Kouryou soon. I just am looking for some time from my schedule to work on it. For now, i give you guys this teaser!

Photo by Japan Lover Me Inner fangirling on max!!!
Photo by Japan Lover Me
Inner fangirling on max!!!

About Mei

writer by trade, writer by passion
likes her earl grey with sugar
currently writing her manuscript

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