Hello everyone!

Some public service from Mei because pretty much, September will be one busy month for me. Not only is this my special month, it is also the month of business and all those other things. Hopefully I will be able to do some blogging within my busy month.

Now, a few things to check for you guys!

– Hobonichi has now closed their 2015 Online Shop and released the preview site for the 2016 Hobonichi series. You can start ordering for your Hobonichi starting September 1st, Japan Time (or August 31st depending on where you are). Please remember that some of the covers will not be released until their announcement dates so check them out. I will do two separate reviews for my Hobonichi purchase considering the cover I like is going to be released on November. Any inquiries you might have for the planner that you want me to answer in my review, please comment below or send me a contact form so I can add it ^^

– My next review for the VANS X OOR collaboration would be done in mid-September. I had remembered I have yet to get my niece a gift and considering our birthdays are two days apart, I have to make a special purchase. I will be reviewing the service I used for the whole purchase since my preferred proxy (Japan Lover Me) is on hiatus still.

– Kouryou will be getting some rehashing since I really need to transform that as my personal site. Any advise on that will be welcome!

That is it for now, on Monday, I might go blog something completely out of character because Amuse Asia is sending teasers of the potential OOR Asian Tour. I want to see Taka-sama!!

About Mei

writer by trade, writer by passion
likes her earl grey with sugar
currently writing her manuscript

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