tumblr_lt9oxyIkh71r33lido1_500-499Hello everyone,

Will be posting something completely different this time considering that a day ago, I was carted off to an unplanned roadtrip to the North on this dreary weather. These weather systems are really confusing sometimes, but its a good counterbalance to the sweltering heat. Curse you global warming!

Anyway, after a couple of years, I find myself back in Subic Bay in Olongapo. Subic is well-known in the country as one of the previous military bases of the Americans before they were asked to leave in the 1990s. The area was transformed as a regional hub and a Freeport Zone, maintaining the commercial hub already established in the area. I have last been in the area three years ago when I went with my family to Anvaya Cove in Bataan, which is an hour drive from Subic. The day’s trip was mostly for my little brother who had to do some research for his thesis project. I wont say what topic it is but it is admittedly hard.

Some of the new things I saw there were Ayala’s Harbor Point Mall, the new Royal Duty Free shop and the Holy Hill/Land Sanctuary.

Our visit in Holy Hill Sanctuary was the highlight of the trip despite the dreary weather. My brother had us go to the place because the leadership of SBMA had directed him to the area beside the Holy Hill for his project. After some careful driving, we reached Holy Hill.

Took this in an unused bridge. Landmark to anyone visiting the Holy Land. If coming from Manila/SCTEX, it is in the left side of this landmark
Holy Hill/Holy Land Church.
Simple altar of Holy Hill’s Church :)

While checking this new place, we met the couple working on the entire area. I was not able to get their complete names but the one who spoke to my mum, brother and I was Mam Lily, who told us her story and how she gotten into the project. She told us her life story – from her dreams to how she went to this mountainous area to do this sanctuary. She told us life lessons on love (Love your mums guys and if you get your salary, give them the first one), lovelife (girls, get money from your bfs! lol), and life (enjoy life for no regrets). Her stories were hilarious but it is clear that she enjoyed her life and in her way, now dedicates time for her bf, Jesus Christ. The project is still not complete but it would be done somewhere around 2016 and 2017, but it is open to the public for pilgrimage and special events. There is no entrance fee here, but as we were told, visit the place on a sunny day to fully experience the entire place since you have the accurate depiction of the Stations of the Cross and other important chapters in the New Testament. We were not able to see those places due to the weather though and we went there around 5 pm ish.

I do believe I’d be visiting this place again soon considering our discovery of Holy Hill (or Holy Land) next year. It was one tiring but one interesting experience!

Next up on Autumn Sky, *insert fangirl squeal here*


Yes I bought myself Taka’s slip on collaboration with Vans! The longer story (And the review for the proxy service I used) will be on the next post. I’m expecting this to arrive in my home within the next two weeks. I so cannot wait!!

About Mei

writer by trade, writer by passion
likes her earl grey with sugar
currently writing her manuscript

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