Ohayou minna!

We’re close to the homestretch everyone as in the next 2 months and odd days, ONE OK ROCK Live in Manila 2016 will finally happen and I know many of you guys are now super hyped to see the band perform our favorite hits live! For you guys who still havent bought tickets, get your tickets while its still available!

But prior to this extraordinary event, the music of ONE OK ROCK has been heard in many anime/manga conventions in the country for the past couple of years and one band rings to mind when it comes to ONE OK ROCK covers in these events. Yup! For this edition of “Fans on ONE OK ROCK: The Interviews” series, I have gotten the chance to interview the bassist of Pinoy J-Rock/Rock band asterysk, Raki.

The current members of asterysk (c) Jenco Photography Taken from the band's FB Page
The current members of asterysk (c) Jenco Photography
Taken from the band’s FB Page

Raki and I met thanks to this concert and if my memory serves me correctly, he added me in Facebook since we will be rockin’ in the same seat zone. This interview I have with this bassist who I have to admit looked like Toru in a photo you’ll see down below (if you do not know the story behind the photo) is quite something and I enjoyed every bit of it. I think he did too so here is how our discussions went! (to Raki… I apologize in advance if Toru fangirls try to catch you after this thanks to that photo LOL)


First question, where did you first hear about ONE OK ROCK and your (and your bandmates’) initial impressions?
“We’ve already heard about the band through some friends since 2010. We really started listening to them when the news came out that they will provide the theme song “NO SCARED” for the new Black Rock Shooter game for the PSP in 2011. We immediately included it on our lineup for the next gig.”

Was it difficult to practice or perform ONE OK ROCK hits?
“Their songs are easy to the ears, I mean when you hear a new song from them, it will immediately stick. In our case, we automatically lock on to our respective instruments and learn it unconsciously.”

Any song in particular that you like to perform and play? Which one inspired you?
“Inspiration wise, Kanzen Kankaku Dreamer. Its one of the songs where Ryota really displays his playing ability. For performance, The Beginning. It’s a crowd drawer too. When we played NO SCARED in 2011, only a few in the audience can related to the song. Our vocalist usually introduces the next song by asking, ‘Anyone listening to ONE OK ROCK?’ and only a handful would respond. But now, it needs no introductions. “For our next song; The Beginning”. The crowd goes wild!”

Any particular member you like the most?
“That’s a hard question. I like them all, but if I have to choose, I go for Toru! Hahaha!”

Why Toru?
“When you watch him play live, you sort of feel the intensity from wherever you are watching from. Especially when he is doing backup vocals or screams. I was actually mistaken for “cosplaying” him during a tribute night in 2013.”

Oh? Any pictures?

Boss Toru?
Boss Toru?

“I was actually cosplaying Taira from the live action of BECK”

Yoshiyuki Taira (played by Osamu Mukai) of BECK
Yoshiyuki Taira (played by Osamu Mukai) of BECK

Your photo looks good. Hope your hair is not blonde or so on or fangirls might go catch you by accident.
“Haha, not at the moment”

Next question then, can you say that ONE OK ROCK change you and your band’s lives?
“Can’t really say, hahaha! But I guess they became sort of a motivation for us to hone our craft”

When the announcement of the concert in Manila was confirmed, what was your and the band’s initial reaction?
“Its about time! We’re really excited. Hahaha! We’ve been petitioning and pitching for the concert to happen since 2012. We told ourselves back then that if we ever ONE OK ROCK will go here, we will buy the highest tiered tickets. So we did, four of us are in Pulp Royalty”

Any expectations for this coming concert? Surprises? Songs?
“Hopefully, they do the Japanese versions of their deluxe edition exclusives. I’d expect it to be as awesome and as electrifying as their Japan concerts. Aside from that, i’ll leave it to them to give us one of the best nights we will ever have”

Final question, if by any chance ONE OK ROCK gets to read this interview, what do you want to say to them?
“Keep making awesome music, inspiring people and wow audiences with your performances. Hopefully, I get to jam with you in this life or the next! Hahaha!”


Its great to hear how ONE OK ROCK inspired this super cool Pinoy band who I have to admit is quite impressive to nail each OOR hit in their gigs and videos. Before you watch ONE OK ROCK live, try catching asterysk in one of their performances so you guys can prepare up for the January 19 concert. For updates on asterysk’s next performances or check their videos, you can check up their Facebook fanpage or their Youtube Channel.

Once your preparations are complete with the help of asterysk, head on to any SM Ticket outlets nationwide to see the band that helped asterysk on January 19, 2016. You can also purchase the concert tickets online at SM Tickets Online or call SM Tickets at 420-2222. Please only purchase your tickets in SM Tickets and not through scalpers! Lets sell out Mall of Asia Arena and give ONE OK ROCK a reason to come back and spread their music to the country, inspiring bands like asterysk break their silence and rock the world!

This once in a lifetime event is brought to us by PULP Live World, 28 Black and Amuse Asia Inc. Event media partners include Monster Radio RX 93.1, MYX, The Philippine Star, Astroplus, Odyssey Music Video, Pulp Magazine, G/ST and SM Mall of Asia Arena.

For more details of this event, visit either http://pulpliveworld.com/shows/2016/one-ok-rock



For show updates follow @PULPLiveWorld on Twitter and Facebook. Or follow my blog or Akizora’s official twitter feed @oneistoinfinity for updates.

More ONE OK ROCK love next week!!!!


About Mei

writer by trade, writer by passion
likes her earl grey with sugar
currently writing her manuscript

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