
Mei is here once again to deliver another part of her deeper study in the ONE OK ROCK local fanbase and see just how the announcement of the ONE OK ROCK Live in Manila concert had got them cheering even up to this very moment for D-Day on January 19, 2016.

For today’s Fans on ONE OK ROCK Interviews, I interviewed Twitter user nenaaafzin. I met her in Twitter ironically and I believe she asked about the PR tickets and I responded. Unfortunately, since she is in the Middle East, she will not be able to watch the concert. However, I did still continue the interview to find out just how much ONE OK ROCK changed her life.

Say Hi to Nena everyone!
Say Hi to Nena everyone!


Question 1: Where did you first hear about ONE OK ROCK, where and how?

i first heard about ONE OK ROCK when i got interested in the JE group, news. so for starters, i searched about that group. But i ended up getting more interested in taka who left the group years ago. one day, i saw “Clock Strikes” in the suggested videos and gave it a try. I dont know why but once the MV played, i fell in love with it. It felt so different from the music i heard in the past. I thought this was perfect.

Question 2: How exactly did you become such a die hard fan? Any song in particular that got you hooked to the band’s music? 

Wherever you are and the beginning! Those were actually suggested to me by an online friend who is actually also into one ok rock. I started looking for their other songs after that.

Question 3: Do you have any merch related to OOR due to your growing fandom?

as of now, i dont have any OOR merch yet #studentproblems

Question 4: I asked for the music, I asked for the merch, now I shall ask… any particular band member you like in the band? And why?

Taka! His voice is just so beautiful and powerful! Sometimes, I find myself shedding tears without warning when I listen to his voice. He is also very talented. Very caring to his fans. And they sound better live. I actually have a lot of reasons but i don’t think I won’t be able to list everything here

Question 5: Do you think ONE OK ROCK has changed your life? 

Yes! They definitely did! They and their music gave me so much inspiration tbh. I also met a lot of nice friends (including you) because of them. 

Question 6: Now lets get on to the concert, what was your initial reaction when it was declared that ONE OK ROCK will indeed make a concert in the country?

I was so happy! On the day they announced their concert in Manila, I almost cried! I had to stop myself from doing so because I was in class that time. I mean, I was waiting for this for a few years already, and now it’s happening! Ever since Amuse Inc. posted “T-Minus 4 days”, I felt that it was really OOR. And there you go, its really them. However, I kinda felt sad knowing that I wont be able to come to their very first concert since I’m out of the country.

Question 7: If ONE OK ROCK does come back to Manila, will you try to go?

Yes! Definitely! Hopefully, i will go back and study in ph next year. So, i think i’ll have the chance to go to their concert smile emoticon

Question 8: Final question, if the guys of ONE OK ROCK would be able to read this interview, what do you want to say to them? Don’t be shy to say what you want!! 

ONE OK ROCK! Thank you so much for making this happen! Filipino fans have been waiting for you! Thank you for your music and being an inspiration to us. We love you so much! ありがとうございまし!!

This interview is one of the interesting ones i have heard so far. But hearing this bubbly Twitter user’s hopes to catch the band’s concert live in Manila in their next visit is something we can try to fulfill. If we want ONE OK ROCK to return to the country and help fans like Nena watch the next concert performance of the band in the country, we should show the band we want them back after their first show here!

In order to do that, buy your tickets in and one of SM Tickets outlets nationwide to watch ONE OK ROCK Live in Manila. You can also purchase these tickets online at SM Tickets Online or call SM Tickets at 420-2222. Please only purchase your tickets in SM Tickets and not through scalpers! Lets sell out Mall of Asia Arena and give ONE OK ROCK a reason to come back and spread their music to the country!

This once in a lifetime event is brought to us by PULP Live World, 28 Black and Amuse Asia Inc. Event media partners include Monster Radio RX 93.1, MYX, The Philippine Star, Astroplus, Odyssey Music Video, Pulp Magazine, G/ST and SM Mall of Asia Arena.

For more details of this event, visit either


For show updates follow @PULPLiveWorld on Twitter and Facebook. Or follow my blog or Akizora’s official twitter feed @oneistoinfinity for updates!

Matta neeee!


About Mei

writer by trade, writer by passion
likes her earl grey with sugar
currently writing her manuscript

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