I think this year is a year of reviews and the whatnots! Hahaha! Seems like it no?
Today I will be reviewing some items I got before this year says goodbye for good. A year ender will appear so dont worry guys! It will appear soon since its already scheduled :D Busy busy Kami! This will be my last review for the year, busy busy I am. So lets get cracking!
After a couple of years, yes, i do have this planner. Moleskine and Starbucks have teamed up for the Holiday 2015 Starbucks Planners for 2016. This one is the Weekly version. I got this for Christmas from my Aunt (Who also gave me my last Starbucks planner from way back)
Without the usual band . You see the logo of Starbucks over thereee :)
You can turn the paper band into a bookmark with this inspiring quote (theme of the planner is inspire after all)
Inside XD Weekly planning
For every month, you get to see quotes from workers related to the Starbucks franchise. Every month has a different story and a different graphic. To inspire you guys!
Whats cool about the notes per week is that you get to see these ethnic designs. Not all are the same
Another design
Every moleskine planner has this at the back for your notes
One can never go wrong that this is an original XD Each Starbucks planner does have serials on them XD
Mei also received her super late parcel again from Zenmarket with the following items. It got horribly late because of the holiday rush.
Yes. I got my second pair of ONE OK ROCK X Vans Collaboration Shoes since my first one was pretty big. This one i am wearing is a size 8. Still a little loose but since my feet always gets irritated easily, its fine. Will just buy thick socks or sole guards to make this snug XD
For those of you who use smartphones or PCs very often and for a long period of time (like me), chances are your eyes get too dry. Aside from my glasses from JINS PC Japan, I also use this – Sante PC Eyedrops to take care of my eyes. I discovered this from a friend’s store and I have to say, it does help you rehydrate your eyes. Note. It does sting if your eyes are too dry! I believe this also works well for those wearing contact lenses. Best check it first when you purchase one.
This came with the package of my shoes and my eyedrops… Unfortunately I dont know what this is. If you do know it, do let me know!
Another review down. I wonder what things i will review next year. With 2015 slowly fading away, I know I have tons of things to explore in 2016. I cannot wait!